Monday 8 December 2014

Oracle E-Business Suit

Here I am giving some deatils about the Oracle E-businees suite

Oracle Web ADI: Oracle Web Application Desktop Integrator

Web ADI brings Oracle E-Business Suite functionality to the desktop where the familiar
Microsoft Excel, Word, and Project applications can be used to complete your Oracle
E-Business Suite tasks.

Scripting :
Some key points:
1.Recording Mode:
         Record: Windows Application
        Application: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE
        Program Arguments:(Local path of excel file)- C:\file\Phase 2\WebADI\Webadidata.xlsm
        Working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14

2.Recording Options:
      Protocol: Web-Http/HTML
      Recording Mode:   URL -based script: Click on URL Advanced...-->Select both check box

  •  lrw_custom_body.h will generate depends upon the excel data.
  • Sometime on a particular machine not a single event capture. Then try on some other machine. It may be possible that on other machine all events will capture. Reason is still not known but it works.
  • If excel file does not open then keep the excel file at shorter folder.Ex C:\FT\US_Load.xlsm

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Citrix Protocol

Here I am giving some input about citrix protocol:

LR Detect tool:LRDetect is a non-invasive data collection tool developed for supporting LoadRunner (LR) and Performance Center (PC) products. It simply collects operating system, hardware, software and other environmental related information that helps a support engineer understand and troubleshoot PC and LR problems. It can be run on the following installations from LR/PC version 11.00 onwards:
  • Full LoadRunner
  • Performance Center Host
  • Standalone Application (SA) - VuGen, Analysis or Windows Load Generator


Tuesday 19 August 2014

Perfmon Monitoring Tool

How do we track and log system and process information on a Windows operating system?

 Windows system tools available for monitoring almost every type of performance, including CPU, memory, file system and network usage. You do not have to rely merely on the Task Manager.

There is a Windows utility called PerfMon (Performance Monitor) that has the ability to graph and log performance metrics for specific processes, as well as set alarms and timing for performance monitoring and logging.

Steps to View and Log Performance Data Using Windows 7 Performance Monitor:

2.Click on the Start Menu and click Run.3.Type perfmon into the Run command prompt and click OK. 

4.You will then see the Performance Monitor pop up.

5.Click on the green ‘+’ sign near the top of the Performance Monitor Window to bring up theAdd Counters window.

6.On the left side,choose which counters to add and click Add >>. Your counters should now appear under Added Counters. Click OK.

There are many options for what counters to add. A few that may be of special note when dealing with LabVIEW performance issues are:
Process (shown above): Under process, one can choose specific programs to monitor. In the upper left Window, you can select the aspects of the process that you’d like to monitor such as % Processor Time or Virtual Bytes. In the lower left hand window, you can select which process you’d like to monitor. Above, LabVIEW has been selected.

Now you should be able to see all chosen counters updating on the graph

In order to log this data to file, right-click on Performance Monitor and select New»Data Collector Set.

Type in a name for your data set and press Next.

Complete the rest of the steps including choosing the location you want to save your log file.
When you want to start logging the performance data, right-click on your Data Collector Set and select Start. To stop logging, right-click and select Stop.

Note: By default, all windows performance counter data collector sets stop after 1 minute.
To alter this behaviour, “Right-click” on the properties for the new Data Collector Set.Perfmon Screenshot
Select the “Stop Condition” tab and uncheck the “Overall duration” checkbox.
By default this is set to 1 minute as shown below.
PERFMON screenshot

Tuesday 15 July 2014

How does collating the test results work in loadrunner controller?

At the end of a test the results are collated by the LoadRunner controller. Each of the generators results are collected in a .eve (Event) file and the output messages for the controller are collected in a .mdb (Microsot Access) database. This happens in the directory specified for the results on the controller. 

A .lrr (loadrunner results) file is created. The .lrr file is text. The .eve file was text prior to around LoadRunner 7.5, but since then it has been an unpublished compressed format. 

When you start the analysis utility it take the information in the .lrr file and the .eve file and creates a .mdb (microsoft access database) or SQL Server database entries which contain each timing record and data point entries. If collation fails at the end of the test you will have only partial results for analysis.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Sunday 13 April 2014

SSL Authentication

Its very important to know about the SSL authentication concept in Loadrunner.

What Is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser; or a mail server and a mail client (e.g., Outlook).
SSL allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials to be transmitted securely. Normally, data sent between browsers and web servers is sent in plain text—leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. If an attacker is able to intercept all data being sent between a browser and a web server they can see and use that information.
More specifically, SSL is a security protocol. Protocols describe how algorithms should be used; in this case, the SSL protocol determines variables of the encryption for both the link and the data being transmitted.

SSL secures millions of peoples’ data on the Internet every day, especially during online transactions or when transmitting confidential information. Internet users have come to associate their online security with the lock icon that comes with an SSL-secured website or green address bar that comes with an extended validation SSL-secured website. SSL-secured websites also begin with https rather than http.

How Does the SSL Certificate Create a Secure Connection?

When a browser attempts to access a website that is secured by SSL, the browser and the web server establish an SSL connection using a process called an “SSL Handshake” (see diagram below). Note that the SSL Handshake is invisible to the user and happens instantaneously.
Essentially, three keys are used to set up the SSL connection: the public, private, and session keys. Anything encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key, and vice versa.
Because encrypting and decrypting with private and public key takes a lot of processing power, they are only used during the SSL Handshake to create a symmetric session key. After the secure connection is made, the session key is used to encrypt all transmitted data.
Server Browser Communication
  1. Browser connects to a web server (website) secured with SSL (https). Browser requests that the server identify itself.
  2. Server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, including the server’s public key.
  3. Browser checks the certificate root against a list of trusted CAs and that the certificate is unexpired, unrevoked, and that its common name is valid for the website that it is connecting to. If the browser trusts the certificate, it creates, encrypts, and sends back a symmetric session key using the server’s public key.
  4. Server decrypts the symmetric session key using its private key and sends back an acknowledgement encrypted with the session key to start the encrypted session.
  5. Server and Browser now encrypt all transmitted data with the session key.
How do I identify the SSL protocols and certificates used by a website when testing with LoadRunner

Cause -Understanding the SSL Protocols and certificates used by a website.
Solution -To identify the type of SSL and certs used on a web server, type the following commands from a Loadrunner client workstation :

Go to the Loadrunner/bin directory.
Type "openssl", this will then display an >openssl prompt.
Type OpenSSL>s_client - connect where is your web site.

Note: if you are not sure about the port open the developer tool in chrome and hit the URL. It will display IP address, port etc.

This will then return details of the web servers  SSL connections with different ciphers, TLS versions, and SSL server certificate analysis.

Other useful commands to use in LoadRunner Web protocol scripts are as follows:

web_set_sockets_option("SHUTDOWN_MODE", "FAST");Allows the disconnection of the SSL session to be completed quickly.

web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS"); 
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_CIPHER_LIST", "RC4-MD5");These options allow the version and cipher for SSL to be specified. Possible versions and ciphers are detailed in the Loadrunner Function Reference.

web_set_sockets_option("TRACE_SSL_IO","1");This option will detail all SSL IO in the normal vuser log.

web_set_sockets_option("PRINT_SSL_INFO","1");This option will detail the version and certificate used in the SSL configuration.

web_set_sockets_option("PROXY_INITIAL_BASIC_AUTH","0");This option disables the initial Basic authentication.

Connections per second:
Number of TCP/IP connections opened
Number of Connections Shutdown. No of connections is fraction of hits/sec
TCP/IP connections are expensive interms of server, router and network resource consumption. So HTTP request should use same connection instead of opening new connection each time of each request.

SSL connections per second:
No of SSL connections opened per second
After TCP/IP connection SSL connection is opened.
SSL connection has heavy resource consumption.
If we select simulate new user at each iteration then there should not be more than one SSL connection per sec

How to Change Password of IUSR_METRO Account

Sometime we need to change the password of IUSR_METRO Account. This may be required due to compliance issue. Below are the steps to chang...